I’ve not talked about or played MtG for a long time now. Which should worry WotC. Some-one who loves the game, loves playing it. Not playing it,buying product, or talking about it.
But that changed Friday evening when I taught Dave and Clack how to play.
On the way home I had popped in to my FLGS to try and pick up a copy of the game night kit free for all kit (a box of five standard decks that can be opened up and played by a group of friends). Sadly they did not have one.
They had also sold out of jump start decks.
I needed something I could use with new players. That was new player friendly.
So I ended up with a Starter Kit, plus a Pioneer Challenger deck (I already had two others I could use).
A mad dash back home in record time (all the traffic lights en route were in my favour) to pick up what I needed for the evening. Saw me arrive 10 minutes later than we had arranged.
I started off teaching MtG using the Starter Kit decks for Dave and Clack, whilst I used an old Card Kingdom battle deck I had.
This was a fun first game. They both attacked me a lot declaring me as the main threat because I knew how to play the game!
I managed to stabilise at 4 health before being able to hit back and grab a victory.
Next I gave out a random 2021 D&D Commander deck (not the current set) and went over the brief changes to the format.

I need to look into the themes of these decks. Mine was obviously a dragon deck and all about getting them out. Clack’s deck was possibly a voltron style deck. Dave’s was the confusing one, and seemed all about venturing through dungeons and getting those benefits and graveyard shenanigans?
This game Clack got mana screwed. It happens. As a MtG player you just accept it happens, and hope you live long enough to try and mount some sort of comeback once the lands start showing up.
In a game of Commander being mana screwed might be an advantage early on as other players don’t see you as a threat, and leave you alone as they beat up on each other.
I was ramping up nicely in this game, got my commander out. Was the monarch (a great mechanic for Commander) spamming out tokens. Life was good for the dragons.
Unchecked I was just able to swing in and single shot both Dave and Clack for the victory.
Our second game it was my turn to get mana screwed. It happens. See previous comments above about it.
Eventually I was able to start playing cards and building up a presence on the battlefield.
Clack’s voltron deck was firing off, and some rather threatening creatures were being equipped and made nastier. Dave and I were at risk of dying from Commander damage by Clack.
Dave made it hard for Clack and I to block his attacks, as we were for large chunks of the game only able to block with legendary creatures.
He was also venturing through those dungeons a lot and pulling creatures back from the graveyard.
Our decks were doing stuff.
I think this game felt more commandery than our previous one. There was more politic stuff going on. More “don’t attack me I’m not a threat, look at that big creature they have. Now that’s a threat!”
Despite that distinct lack of mana for what felt like an eternity I managed to hold on in their and win.
It was a fun evening of MtG.
Not only did I get to introduce new players to the game. But I was reminded what I like so much about the game.
Plus the Starter Kit and Pioneer decks I can play with Nath when I visit him next week.
Win, win.