As a brief break from the recent outbreak of poor MtG content. I have some really poor Star Realms content to compete with it.
If you look on my Instagram account you’ll see a very short test movie with no sound. But it uses two recent images I shared over there from a couple of recent games of Star Realms I’ve played.
Basically I was trying out the green screen stuff within the iOS version of iMovie.
This first image is from one of the early games with the new Frontiers Promos expansion. It shows the new Assimilator card which in the game I made use of it’s Allie ability and scrapped to steal The Ark from my opponents discard pile.
I felt so dirty after doing that. This is a new mechanic to the game. And one I’m pretty sure must have shocked my opponent when they watched my turn play out. Rightly I lost the game. But wow that feeling of guilt after playing it!
Next up was a first I believe for me in over nine thousand games. I remember forcing opponents to discard three or four cards at the start of their turn. But never their whole hand before.
It seems so odd that in so many games I’ve never done this before. Surely my memory is failing me on this one?
Naturally I tempted fate by screen grabbing the above and sharing it with my opponent on Facebook wishing them a great next turn. So basically I was a dick about it! Luckily fate didn’t hate me this time and I went on to win the game.
As for the test movie. I’m not sure where that is going. We’ll see where that ends up.