The Road to UKGE 2024 #5

With only approximately two weeks left until UKGE is upon us I did something I haven’t done in a long time. I pre-booked my tickets.

I don’t know why.

There is no benefit buying them in advance. No early bird discount. You still have to queue to get your ticket when you arrive.

Maybe it’s because I was feeling a bit low about the whole thing.

I knew Ben was no longer going due to reasons. Reasons that were totally understandable and relatable. I’ve been in that situation myself.

Then Jonathan who also seems to be not as enthusiastic as he once was (I don’t know how else to describe it) about gaming and the expo, has decided he will not be going. The expo was a father daughter thing for him. A shared experience they both enjoyed. This year would have been the first year that that would not be true, with his daughter still being at uni. I totally understand.

Strangely for me the show has been a social thing, over a gaming or purchasing thing. I rarely spend (or had the funds) to buy lots of games at the expo. My visits have always been on a very tight budget, and trying to get the maximum bang for my restricted budget.

I rarely do the open gaming. I still don’t get that side of the expo or even expos like Airecon, where gaming is the main focus. Why travel all that way, with the associated expense of tickets, accommodation, etc. to play games with your friends? And let’s face it the majority of folks there are playing games with the people they went there with. Why not save the money and time and just play games at home?

Last year I met Sarah of Board Games in a Minute. Sarah came all the way from the US to go to the expo. She’s a really cool and kind person. Hey anyone who feeds and provides shelter for “wild” cats is pretty cool in my book.

Sarah is returning to the expo this year, so I’m hoping that we can get a chance to play a game at the expo. Or at least catch up, talk about the expo and what games caught our attention.

Last year I didn’t get a chance to meet Luke Hector of Broken Meeple fame irl. So hopefully that can happen this year. I’d love to play a game or two with him as well.

Now I know Luke and Sarah are YouTube content creators and this all sounds very fanboy like etc. I rarely do this content creator cult of personality thing. There are some that are so head stuck up their own arse, clicky. Luke and Sarah are not like that. Which is probably why I like them as content creators and people.

Sadly it’s looking unlikely my friend, game creator, and all round really nice guy Byron will make the expo. Health problems are throwing a spanner in the works on that front. Which is a shame, but I do wish him a speedy recovery.

Although I’ve not gone specifically with anyone to the show. But with my friends there it feels that I have. We bump into each other, arrange to meet up, maybe try a game demo, etc.

So with two of my good friends not there. I’m not sure how the expo will be this year.

It does seem that the majority of Fenland Gamers and friends will be at the expo on the Sunday. So that day may feel more like the expo for me.

Yeah, yeah. How can the expo be a social thing for me? How can I talk fondly about meeting people and enjoying my time with them, and even missing them?

I know. I don’t see myself as a social person, or people person. But somehow it’s something I enjoy when it comes to gaming! I suppose in a future post we can explore this dichotomy. A look into the warped world view and mind of Darren. That’s a very scary thought.

For now you just have to accept that this sociopath both enjoys these social interactions and will miss those not going.

UPDATE: Ben is now attending the Friday. So it will be great to see him there and catch up. Life for both of us has conspired to get in the way of us playing games. It’s been too long.

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