28MilesInFebruary Miles 22 to 29 – Roydon Common

I wasn’t sure whether today’s walk would be the penultimate or the final one.

All I knew was Dolly and I would be walking round Roydon Common. The exact mileage I had no idea. It would be what it was once we had finished it.

This wasn’t the first time I’d been here. Back when I was married we did a route here with the wolf pack. I can’t remember where this route was from it was either Country Walking or a book of walks in Norfolk. That was the first and only time I’ve ever seen an adder. It had been sunning itself in the middle of the path. Luckily the wolf pack walked straight past it. Didn’t even notice it was there.

After the weather the previous day I was pleasantly surprised by the blue skies and the sun being out.

It’s a thirty odd minutes drive for me to get to the official car park for Roydon Common. Luckily the traffic wasn’t too bad. We made good time to the start.

Start Point: TF 68075 22983

Distance: 6.31 miles

Total Distance: 29.25 miles

Instead of head straight onto the common itself Dolly and I went round the border of Rising Breck.

As the loop came back on itself we came across a trough full of water. I dug out Dolly’s collapsible dog bowl and scooped out some water for her. Dolly had a quick drink.

We were going to do a loop of the seasonal path. But after a short distance on the high path of the loop I saw some ponies grazing. Dolly hadn’t noticed them. I wasn’t sure how Dolly would react to the ponies so I turned back.

The plan changed to take the path crossing the common.

Looking for that path we disturbed a roe deer as we read a sign next to a possible path we could take. Sadly the path was closed due to nesting birds. Which was fair enough.

We found the path we were looking for.

Near the end of this path running the length of the common we paused for a brief liquid intake under a tree.

I’m not a fan of plain water so I mixed in some Crystal Light to turn it into squash. These are my favourite way to flavour water. I love the fact these sachets are so light, and take up no space whatsoever. I’ve used them for years.

Dolly naturally had plain ol’ vanilla water, followed by a dog treat. It was that or let her eat a mini pine cone.

After leaving Roydon Common we entered Grimston Warren nature reserve.

It was while looking at the information board I saw a path that went through a neighbouring reserve called the Tony Hallatt memorial reserve. The path connected up with one that would take us through the woods on the opposite side of the common.

So instead of doing a circuit of Grimston Warren we would walk through just a small taster of it.

As we turned off to cross the Tony Hallatt memorial reserve there were more ponies grazing to our left. But too far for Dolly to notice. But then on the path ahead of us was a pony grazing.

I was about to learn how Dolly would react to this equine obstacle.

The pony itself looked at us but did not react at all. You’d think it was almost used to walkers and their four legged companions. Dolly also hardly reacted to this new obstacle.

I don’t know where we went wrong following the path through the Tony Hallatt memorial reserve. But some how we missed the turn. Instead I ended up carrying Dolly across a very muddy, torn up by ponies crossing of a stream.

We then had to do a stretch of boggy land. That had no islands of solid ground to help you out. Followed by me having to carry Dolly over a stream. A crossing she refused to do under her own steam. So much for liking water! Eventually we made it out of the bog onto solid ground and out of this small reserve.

That bog did sap our strength a bit.

It was then I decided instead of trying to make our way to the woods we would make our way back to where we left Roydon Common. From there make our way back to the car.

I think Dolly and I were starting to feel our energy ebb.

Our walk back was pretty uneventful.

Once back at the car Dolly had a couple more dog treats before sleeping the rest of the journey home.

This was an amazing walk. We had great weather. I spotted a few likely spots that would be good wild camp spots.

Roydon Common is an amazing place. Dolly and I will definitely be back.

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I’d like to say a big thank you for doing so and if you weren’t able to I’d like to thank you for reading this far and hopefully sharing the page.

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Total Amount Raised: £399

2 thoughts on “28MilesInFebruary Miles 22 to 29 – Roydon Common

  1. We really love walk around roydon, we have beenthere 3 weeks ago, really nice.
    I didn’t knew you wer coming around Lynn otherwise I could have suggest a nic walk around the Bawsey Lakes, if you never been there is worth a shot you and Dolly!

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