Ninjas meet Assassins

One of my planned Commander deck ideas is a ninja themed deck with Yuriko, the Tiger’s Shadow from Commander 2018 as it’s Commander.

I think it’s accepted that there are not enough (good) ninjas to make a deck with. Which has been a bit of a brake on the brewing of the deck.

But then I had a moment of clarity when I saw the card Etrata, the Silencer.

Assassins are like ninjas! How about if I make the deck a ninjas and assassins deck?

Thematically it works. Or it does in my little make believe world.

It means I can’t use tribal boosters, or if I do it will be to boost a subset of the creature base. Unless I run Arcane Adaptation to make them all one creature type. The half way solution could be to run a mix of general boosts and tribal ones.

But that’s the updated plan for the ninja deck, or ninjas and assassins deck. What assassins should I put in the deck?

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